When Putra Sampoerna sell stake in PT HM Sampoerna to Phillips Morris many people speculate about it. Up to now, no one ever knows the reason Putra Sampoerna to sell shares of companies that family.
Of all the assets owned, the museum Sampoerna is one of the assets which are not sold. Located at Jalan Taman Sampoerna, the museum has become one of the places worth visiting while in Surabaya.
This museum presents a lot of things. Once inside the museum, in the hall, we can see different types of tobacco in this archipelago. Among other tobacco Waterford, Madura tobacco, and so forth.
No lag, cloves are placed on the floor. Here, the smell of tobacco mixed with cloves.
No lag, cloves are placed on the floor. Here, the smell of tobacco mixed with cloves.
In this hall, there is the journey of life, ranging from the
Sampoerna family to build this family business until now.
Everything is summarized in a story on the computer.Visitors
can see all the way this family lived. Entering the next room,
we'll see a lot of photos there. Both of HM Sampoerna family
circles or of directors. Including figures in this country who
smoke Sampoerna. One was the Ngarso Dalem.
Sampoerna family to build this family business until now.
Everything is summarized in a story on the computer.Visitors
can see all the way this family lived. Entering the next room,
we'll see a lot of photos there. Both of HM Sampoerna family
circles or of directors. Including figures in this country who
smoke Sampoerna. One was the Ngarso Dalem.
In the back room, more the photos again there. There is also a map showing the existing tobacco production in Indonesia. Here, there are also various types of scales (scaling) and there are also horse-drawn carriage (gig). Also, various types of marching band equipment and photos. Sampoerna's Marching Band is often enliven international carnival, including the Flower Carnival in Pasadena.
They participate in there for several years in a row. The band is led by Katty Sampoerna very famous very perfectionist. The members of the marching band was selected with great from the employee.
They generally have the typical face of Indonesia.They participate in there for several years in a row. The band is led by Katty Sampoerna very famous very perfectionist. The members of the marching band was selected with great from the employee.
From the 2nd floor, we could see people smoking workers were rolling cigarettes, cutting and pressing it with the traditional way. These women are capable of rolling 325 cigarettes per hour.Unfortunately, if a Sunday, we can not find this activity. Because of their holiday. From the 2nd floor of this, we can not
hear their voices, because the room on the 2nd floor is soundproofed. Let them shake all. The room also just use a fan,
but the high ventilation, and look cool. In this 2nd floor, can also be bought some souvenirs there.There are T-shirts, there are key chains, and so forth. The building that was formerly used as a museum is the orphanage run by the Dutch government. Founded in 1862, this
building at present is one of the preserved historic site. In 1932, Liem Seeng Tee, the founder of Sampoerna bought this place. To
be a place to stay while the plant by Sampoerna.Well, after a weary itinerant museum, visitors can also visit Sampoerna Cafe located next door. This cafe serves a variety of foods. Starting from the Western food, Chinese up to the archipelago. If the menu Nusantara, I think casual. But, according to the temperature of JC, his Western cuisine good.